Tuesday, January 4, 2011

004 Arunachala Animal Sanctuary & Rescue Shelter

Meanwhile we all moved on
from 2010 to 2011

The Newmoon followed on Tuesday, the 4th of January,
and on the 7th the young moon looked like this:

Today, January 10th, 2011, the 
Arunachala Animal Sanctuary & Rescue Shelter
celebrated its 4th anniversary, and you find fotos and videos below.

For everyone who witnessed the transformation that Leslie Robinson, the founder and managing director, and his staff have initiated with their selfless and tireless work, it is nothing less but a miracle. Especially the behaviour amongst dogs and the relationship between us humans and dogs have changed dramatically. People and dogs now live together and share this sacred place in a remarkably loving, peaceful and caring way. Before and almost traditionally this relationship was marked by fear and aggressive behavior and unless you have experienced this you probably can not truly appreciate the tremendous change that everyone can not but gratefully notice. The change is not just a more peaceful atmosphere but a renewed awareness that we share this world with the animals and should treat them with love and respect. If this can become a model for all of India and the entire world, a great step towards world peace had been taken. I therefore strongly suggest to visit the website of this exceptional Animal Sanctuary and Rescue Shelter, support this amazing effort and spread the word ...

And here are the videos of the ceremony:


The continuation will be uploaded very soon! 

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